Candle businesses use a scent calendar to plan their product lineups throughout the year. Keep reading to learn how to plan new candle scents for 2023.
Candles are a versatile product that can help you tap into your creative and entrepreneurial skills, especially if you plan to create DIY blends at home.
Label design is an important part of designing your packaging. Here, you’ll find tips to creating your label & mock jar label templates for many products.
A lid label may not be the first step in product design, but it’s a proven branding asset. Here, you’ll find useful tips for making great jar lid labels.
Products come in many bottles & jars so it can be hard to choose the right product closures. This guide breaks down the tops that are best for our products.
It’s no secret that we enjoy candles at Glassnow. However, maintaining a candle business is tough. To address this, we created this short marketing guide that any candle business owner can follow!