3 Beauty Consumer Trends to Expect in 2023

Beauty Consumer Trends

The beauty industry is undeniably competitive, but changing trends allow new brands to capitalize. In 2023, the habits and preferences of beauty shoppers will be constantly evolving. Thankfully, with market analysis and surveys, beauty brands have insight into consumer behavior throughout 2023. Let’s explore three beauty consumer trends to inform your business’ actions in 2023.

Beauty Consumers are Building Wellness Communities

In 2023, consumers are supporting one another’s wellness and health goals more than ever before. People are excited to reconnect with others in the post-pandemic, so seeing so much positive encouragement toward one another’s health is no surprise.

As wellness is a main focal point of today’s culture, beauty products that double as health supplements are growing increasingly popular. Many beauty brands now market their products as aides to sleep, blood circulation, and more.

Even before recent years, the beauty industry was already mixing with health and wellness. This year, however, more beauty brands are taking a holistic health approach. The path to a healthy life differs for everyone, but physical, mental, and social health are always factors. Beauty brands in 2023 will expand from targeting physical wellness alone; customers are now seeking wellness effects that target various aspects of health.

Many brands make scientific and medicinal claims about their products. These messages often focus on the ingredients that make the product effective and how these ingredients mix with the human body. Yet by this point, customers are aware that the effects of the product sometimes don’t live up to the messaging. Thus, customers are skeptical; they expect beauty brands to support their health claims. Be clear about your products’ health effects; customers return to brands that deliver on their message. 

The Demand for Inclusive Beauty 

Beauty consumers, especially those in Gen Z, prefer beauty portrayals that they consider inclusive and attainable. Based on an analysis by Mintel, 43% of beauty shoppers are happy to see different types of beauty portrayed in an ad. Customers have become increasingly aware of social media’s effect on beauty perception — and the movement toward attainable beauty images has arrived to counter this.

As customers now demand inclusion, brands that have focused on accessibility are already reaping the rewards. Still, there are plenty of opportunities yet untapped. As per Mintel, 25% of Gen Z feel unrepresented by beauty ads; with research, new brands can capitalize on this demographic.

If your beauty brand is looking to prioritize inclusion, consider the following options:

  • Accommodating products: Beauty brands practice inclusivity by ensuring their product line has something for everyone. Brands release products where each item is tailored to a specific type of hair or skin tone, but the product line collectively encompasses the full spectrum of their audience.
  • Universal products: Regarding some beauty products, specifications like skin tone or hair type are unimportant to the product’s function. In the case of moisturizers, for example, customers prefer a single product that is marketed for everyone. Specifically, customers in 2023 will prefer gender-neutral products wherever feasible. 
  • Customizable products: When shoppers personalize their purchase, it’s a guarantee that the products are inclusive. Brands offer customizable packaging or decor to allow customers to build a strong relationship with the product.

Modern Shopping Experiences 

Beauty consumers are ready for new technology to direct the shopping experience. AR and VR technology allows brands to better connect with their consumers, and the beauty industry is finding its own ways of implementing it. 

Specifically, the AR “virtual-try on” is anticipated to be the most-used feature in this field. When brands implement this tech, customers see how they would look if they purchased and used the beauty product. Virtual avatars and VR communication may also grow more popular with time.

AR and VR tech has become more accessible and popular among the general populace. Still, it has a ways to go. Many big-name entities are excited to advance the field, so watch for new technology that can improve your customer relations.

While big brands have the budget and means to pursue AR/VR on a large scale, smaller businesses still have simple ways of boosting engagement. Visuals are important on any product page, and brands benefit from using visuals to create an immersive shopping experience. If applicable, showcase how your products look on different skin tones or models. 

To give customers a personalized shopping experience, consider allowing them to save their personal features to their online account on your website. If shoppers can save details, like a HEX code of their skin tone, to their account, your brand can tailor the shopping experience to each individual.


Modern beauty consumers seek an inclusive brand, honest wellness claims, and an immersive online shopping experience. These consumer preferences are the result of years of cultural changes and advancements, so businesses can safely expect these 3 trends to maintain throughout 2023.  For more ideas that will advance your beauty brand, read Glassnow’s top guide to cosmetics packaging.
